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Survival vs. Sustainability

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Survival vs. Sustainability  Empty Survival vs. Sustainability

Post  Franke Schein - Admin Fri Jan 06, 2012 12:30 am

Survival vs. Sustainability  02240110

The biggest quandary out there in the survival world is trying to decide what to do, when to do it, and how to get it done.

But sometimes I think that some survivalists have a tendency to eat the desert before the dinner. By that I mean, there’s so much work being put into sustaining life AFTER an event, that little thought is given to actually surviving the event itself.

When a natural disaster, such as an earthquake or tsunami strikes, the last thing that people are going to be worrying about is what’s gonna’ happen tomorrow. They are going to be focused on getting through the horrific events staring them right in their face—Survival.

Survival means getting out of harms way, having a survival plan in place, and the tenacity to carry it out.

Sustainability comes into play when the immediate danger has passed, and the focus is on a long term solution to the problems created by the event.

The survival movement is blessed to have so many knowledgeable people within it’s ranks. People from around the globe are preparing for the end in many different ways. Some are prepping by storing large quantities of food; others by honing their primitive survival skills. Both are vital in nearly any crisis event. They go hand in hand like twin sisters.

In a reality based survival scenario; the primary function should always be to save lives. The continuation of the individual or family should be the upper priority. This comes about as a result of meticulous planning, and ardently clinging to the the fundamental understanding that life can be swept away in a blink of an eye. All preparations should then be directed towards that one single goal: Saving Lives.

Knowing how to trap animals, build fires, or set-up a bush shelter does little good when humanity has all but been erased from the face of the globe. Even on a local scale; the immediate concern should be directed towards sustaining one’s life until the next sun rise.

Taking this, one step closer to reality; it’s easy to see that without a survival plan that takes into account the immediate threats; there’s little hope of making it through the night unless preparations have been undertaken:

•Over-The-Horizon / Advance Warning Capability
•Reliable Emergency Alert / Notification System
•Bullet-Proof Radio Communications Network
•Evacuation Routes that have been identified, marked, and traveled—as well as many other alternate routes.
•Rally Points, as well as alternate meet-up areas.
•Supply Caches that provide essential food, gear, clothing, and other equipment, in case family members arrive with only the clothes on their backs.
•Provisions for medical treatment.
•Convoy Security Preparations.
•Established Safe Areas able to sustain everyone in the family or group.
•Plans for Long Term sustainability such as food, fuel, security, and the perpetuity of the family or group.

Read Full Story: HERE
Franke Schein - Admin
Franke Schein - Admin

Posts : 63
Points : 4809
Join date : 2012-01-03
Age : 66
Location : Anchorage, Alaska

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