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SURVIVAL TIPS: Evacuation Empty SURVIVAL TIPS: Evacuation

Post  Franke Schein - Admin Fri Jan 06, 2012 11:46 am

SURVIVAL TIPS: Evacuation Dsc00110

1: ) Evacuation:

In the event that you are forced to leave your home; it’s best to have an evacuation plan in-place.

Spend some time getting intimately familiar with the area that you live in. Explore every nook and cranny, every backwoods road, and every abandoned building in the region.

Get the street maps out and complete the following:

1.Mark every bridge leading out of the area. It doesn’t matter if the bridge is one that you drive across, or under. Note the exact location on your map. Use a RED MARKER.
2.Mark every culvert leading out of the area. Culverts can collapse during a storm or earthquake, and they can also be used as temporary emergency shelters. Mark each culvert GREEN MARKER
3.Mark every major cross-road or road junction leading out of the area. Draw a RED SQUARE around each cross-road.
Once you have analyzed your evacuation route, take the time to note other streets or highways that can be used as alternate routes around the areas that you have marked. This is important, because if one of the bridges on your route has collapsed, you simply have to look at your map and follow one of the several alternate routes that you have previously reconnoitered

If there is an immediate emergency that forces you to take shelter, then perhaps one of the culverts could be used to give you some protection. They also serve as a marker to alert you to areas that could be a potential dead-end. Culverts can collapse during earthquakes, or over-fill during a flood.

2.) Resources:

Once you have completed a detailed analysis of the evacuation route; it’s time to look around for things that you can use during the evacuation:

Gas stations, grocery stores, health stores, hardware store, trucking terminals, fuel liveries, grocery warehouses. These are the type of places that you will want to mark on the map as a “Resource” to be used during an emergency. The purpose is to know what resources are available in your area, and on the evacuation route that you have chosen. This might come in handy in case you have to leave with minimal fuel or supplies. Knowing who has what, and where the resources are located—might give you the edge during a SHTF scenario.

CAUTION: Don’t get yourself shot stealing/foraging for other people’s property…
Franke Schein - Admin
Franke Schein - Admin

Posts : 63
Points : 4809
Join date : 2012-01-03
Age : 66
Location : Anchorage, Alaska

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