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Bugging Out to the BOL - Post your pics if you have them ( Pic Heavy )

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Bugging Out to the BOL - Post your pics if you have them ( Pic Heavy )  Empty Bugging Out to the BOL - Post your pics if you have them ( Pic Heavy )

Post  Mike in the Rockies Fri Jan 13, 2012 2:07 pm

I thought it might be good to actually tell about in detail and show with many pics how one can get to a BOL - bug out location for those who might not know. And even tell and show how a BOL is set up and would function.

I can show more than 100 pics and explain them in detail although I might not do all that. But hope some others will also show some pics of their BOL and/or how they would get to their BOL and how it would work. People should not tell their location but maybe the state they are in if they wish.

My location now is in a small city in northern Colorado and my BOL = survival retreat is about 200 miles to the northwest in Wyoming. That might seem like I am telling too much but I doubt any could find my BOL even though I have told close to where it is. It is covered in deep snow until June and the roads are closed within 7 miles of my BOL from Nov. to June.
And I will later show some of the security I have although I will not show Everything even though it might seem like I am.

So I will begin with a possible scenario that could happen. A biological or chemical attack might be more likely than a nuclear attack but for the sake of showing something more exciting than invisible viruses etc. I will show a possible nuclear attack on some cities. The first attack would be on New York City then other cities. The last one would be a nuke hitting Denver or possibly at NORAD and the military bases south of Denver.

First I will show Denver then explain as the pics come up. Later in this thread, hopefully some will join in with their own pics, even telling about what scenario would cause them to bug out such as a hurricane and how far they would travel etc.

Bugging Out to the BOL - Post your pics if you have them ( Pic Heavy )  DenverSkyline

The Denver skyline is beautiful and peaceful now but it is still a major target, people can discuss why that would be if they do not know. Also discuss why any cities near them would be targets.

Hopefully there would be some warning but attacks can happen unexpectedly. New York City is the first city to be attacked>

Bugging Out to the BOL - Post your pics if you have them ( Pic Heavy )  Nukenightmare-

And another city >

Bugging Out to the BOL - Post your pics if you have them ( Pic Heavy )  071219-nuke-city

At the first report of NY city getting hit I am loading my 4x4 truck as fast as possible.

Bugging Out to the BOL - Post your pics if you have them ( Pic Heavy )  14-MyFordtrucklargewoodpilethatcame

Loading my truck with all the canned food, clothes and other supplies I can obtain quickly. Also throwing in the BOB - bug out bag just in case I would not be able to continue using the truck for some reason and would have to hike the rest of the way to the BOL. The packed BOB >

Bugging Out to the BOL - Post your pics if you have them ( Pic Heavy )  Snugpak-92160-rw-26509-7577jpg

Left town a couple hours earlier and now am almost halfway to my BOL and here is the first rest stop at a country church with a rest area, rest rooms etc. >

Bugging Out to the BOL - Post your pics if you have them ( Pic Heavy )  VirginiaDaleCOchurchmytruck

The next rest area in the high mountains of the Snowy Range about 40 some miles left to go to the BOL >

Bugging Out to the BOL - Post your pics if you have them ( Pic Heavy )  Snowies-mytruck-Copy

Bugging Out to the BOL - Post your pics if you have them ( Pic Heavy )  SnowyRangeOct2920077

The parking lot near Lake Marie in the Snowy Range. Luckily it is empty for it is not quite the tourist season yet. >

Bugging Out to the BOL - Post your pics if you have them ( Pic Heavy )  SnowyRangeOct2920076

Stopped at this lake for a few minutes to try to catch some fish for later >

Bugging Out to the BOL - Post your pics if you have them ( Pic Heavy )  Snowies1

Did catch a couple nice trout for dinner later >

Bugging Out to the BOL - Post your pics if you have them ( Pic Heavy )  Fishtail

Another scene on the way to the BOL and now within 20 miles >

Bugging Out to the BOL - Post your pics if you have them ( Pic Heavy )  Greenscene

The last small town I go through which fortunately is more quiet than usual and this is showing the nice museum in this town which is also a good rest stop area >

Bugging Out to the BOL - Post your pics if you have them ( Pic Heavy )  58-GrandEncampmentmuseum-realhistor

Getting closer to the BOL and finally into the vast million acre national forest >

Bugging Out to the BOL - Post your pics if you have them ( Pic Heavy )  AspensWyohwy70Oct2007sixmilesfrommy

Here is the top of the Continental Divide and Battle Pass which is fairly close to my BOL although very few If any would be able to find my retreat from here >

Bugging Out to the BOL - Post your pics if you have them ( Pic Heavy )  Mybackyard-Divideonemilewestmyoldbr

A pretty rugged area near my mtn place >

Bugging Out to the BOL - Post your pics if you have them ( Pic Heavy )  SnowyRangeOct2920074

Getting closer >

Bugging Out to the BOL - Post your pics if you have them ( Pic Heavy )  SnowyRangeOct2920073

IF any think they can find my BOL simply by looking at these pics they are mistaken. These are real pics although not in order of going up to my retreat.
Here is the beginning of my private road which I have shown before >

Bugging Out to the BOL - Post your pics if you have them ( Pic Heavy )  IMG001beginningofprivateroadoffhiwa

Going down the private road to my BOL >

Bugging Out to the BOL - Post your pics if you have them ( Pic Heavy )  Ohoh2

Almost there >

Bugging Out to the BOL - Post your pics if you have them ( Pic Heavy )  Wayinjune09

It is a long narrow private road >

Bugging Out to the BOL - Post your pics if you have them ( Pic Heavy )  MyprivateroadOct2007

It would be nice to travel this private road in the summer as shown here >

Bugging Out to the BOL - Post your pics if you have them ( Pic Heavy )  Privateroadonrightmymainspringdrive

But no, this bug out situation is when there is still quite a bit snow around, left over from the previous winter's snowpack >

Bugging Out to the BOL - Post your pics if you have them ( Pic Heavy )  2-Mydrivewaywith3feetofmeltingsnowp

Shoveling snow to get up the driveway >

Bugging Out to the BOL - Post your pics if you have them ( Pic Heavy )  3-Fordtruckwithplywoodboxfilledwith

Finally made it to the top of my driveway after 4 hours of shoveling 3 foot deep hard packed and icy snow >

Bugging Out to the BOL - Post your pics if you have them ( Pic Heavy )  4-Afterdiggingfor4hoursgotthetruckt

Made it to the BOL - my remote mtn survival retreat after a 4 hour drive and then shoveling snow to park in a secure area but the next posts I will show more how I set up and use the BOL and in later posts will show more of the security and the bunker... Hope others will also share what they have done, plan to do, how they will get to their BOL and what scenario such as a hurricane or whatever would make them bug out.

Just trying to show that it is possible to make it to a BOL and it will work if one has knowledge and experience. Some can spend much money and have a fancy BOL which can be a nice remote well stocked cabin or just have a camper or tent. Whatever works in various situations. I am showing what works as I have practiced survival on my retreat from June to Nov. for the past ten years.

Hope everyone will look at least at the 2nd post below so as not to miss more interesting pics.

I will probably post more pics later, not sure how many more I will post in the next few days or weeks.

Any questions, comments or criticism is welcome. Anyone with pics and/or telling how their BOL would work would also be nice to hear about. Although most would and even should not tell nearly as much as I do.
Hope everyone can have a BOL if needed someday and even have a good bug in location if that will also work for some.

Please remember that a BOL - survival retreat is a place to go to Live, Not die. It's a place out of the mainstream of events that contains the means to survive without outside support, as some of us can show in this thread.

Last edited by Mike in the Rockies on Fri Jan 13, 2012 7:24 pm; edited 1 time in total
Mike in the Rockies
Mike in the Rockies

Posts : 17
Points : 4674
Join date : 2012-01-07
Location : Colorado & Wyoming on my BOL in the warmer months

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Bugging Out to the BOL - Post your pics if you have them ( Pic Heavy )  Empty Re: Bugging Out to the BOL - Post your pics if you have them ( Pic Heavy )

Post  Mike in the Rockies Fri Jan 13, 2012 2:08 pm

After getting to my BOL - remote survival retreat, I set up camp.

One of the first things I do is set up the tent since it is getting late and I must set up camp before it gets dark.
The 8x8 foot dome tent I use with tarps over it for more protection from heavy rains, hail, snow etc. and a wire fence to help keep out a bear or at least slow him down if he would try to get in >

Bugging Out to the BOL - Post your pics if you have them ( Pic Heavy )  71-MidJune2009-Firsttaskwastoputupm

It may seem like these pics are the same as some previous pics I have posted in another thread, because some are the same but there are many new pics in this thread also. I must show some of the same pics to show how I set up a camp and able to Live on my retreat for months.
The next priority is to get water from the nearby spring that flows thru my mtn land. >

Bugging Out to the BOL - Post your pics if you have them ( Pic Heavy )  8-2ndprioritytofill6galloncontainer

Using the Big Berkey water filter in my shower - water tent >

Bugging Out to the BOL - Post your pics if you have them ( Pic Heavy )  9-Theninsidemyshower-watertentBigbe

Here is a pipe that flows from a spring just above my land where the water comes out of the rocks.

Bugging Out to the BOL - Post your pics if you have them ( Pic Heavy )  Springboxbottompipeoutlet1

Early the next day I start cutting down trees to put across the road and to make more security, luckily so far no one has come down my private road >

Bugging Out to the BOL - Post your pics if you have them ( Pic Heavy )  Tripletrunk1

Pulling tree trunks with my Ford F-250 using a long and strong logging chain >

Bugging Out to the BOL - Post your pics if you have them ( Pic Heavy )  Skiddinglogs1

MM Mike tying down slash which can be burned later for fuel etc. >

Bugging Out to the BOL - Post your pics if you have them ( Pic Heavy )  Slashtruck

Pulling the logs faster for time is short >

Bugging Out to the BOL - Post your pics if you have them ( Pic Heavy )  Skiddinglogs2

One of the largest piles of 20 to 25 foot long logs to be used for building, firewood and especially now to close the road and for more security >

Bugging Out to the BOL - Post your pics if you have them ( Pic Heavy )  Logpile

I truly hope that tanks etc. will never come down my private road. In the winter and if it rains a lot possibly the road would be too soft or difficult for heavy tanks to travel. Although I have seen a bulldozer go down it once.
But to theorize and even fantasize about how to stop tanks I was thinking of using rocks and especially logs. I have some steep hillsides and one is like a 20 plus foot cliff. I was thinking that possibly could have a large stack of logs held by cables and then cut the cables and let the logs fall, rolling down the hill off the cliff and onto tanks etc. Hopefully disabling or even knocking them off the road down the mountain.

Or If I had a lot of help and more cables and could set this up also >

Bugging Out to the BOL - Post your pics if you have them ( Pic Heavy )  RoTJ154138bright20

Bugging Out to the BOL - Post your pics if you have them ( Pic Heavy )  RoTJ154142bright20

Most probably won't happen but looks like fun?

And with choppers there are the cables strung which I read about somewhere and also a rifle and/or shotgun especially with slugs might also work. This all of course is only as a last resort and only used if TEOTWAWKI , a police state, nuclear war etc. happens.

But as some have said such as in Benson's "The Survival Retreat" laying low and being well camoflaged and off the radar is best and avoid conflict if at all possible.

A view from the high ground on my BOL looking down on the private road >

Bugging Out to the BOL - Post your pics if you have them ( Pic Heavy )  UponmyhillsidelookingdownMyprivater

Bugging Out to the BOL - Post your pics if you have them ( Pic Heavy )  24-Privatedirtroadwaterfallsmymtnre

All of the pics for now and possibly I will show more how I live and make my BOL - survival retreat work
Mike in the Rockies
Mike in the Rockies

Posts : 17
Points : 4674
Join date : 2012-01-07
Location : Colorado & Wyoming on my BOL in the warmer months

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Bugging Out to the BOL - Post your pics if you have them ( Pic Heavy )  Empty Re: Bugging Out to the BOL - Post your pics if you have them ( Pic Heavy )

Post  Franke Schein - Admin Wed Jan 18, 2012 7:01 pm

DAYUM Mike! if I ever find myself down in that area during a SHTF storm--I will let you know.
Franke Schein - Admin
Franke Schein - Admin

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Bugging Out to the BOL - Post your pics if you have them ( Pic Heavy )  Empty Re: Bugging Out to the BOL - Post your pics if you have them ( Pic Heavy )

Post  Franke Schein - Admin Wed Jan 18, 2012 7:11 pm

Just some thoughts:

I remember that during my time in the Army; they were thinking that Denver/NORAD would get hit with about 30-Nukes the first hour. The ancillary effects and subsequent fallout could be a problem for you. Might wanna think about building a 5-gallon bucket air cleaner. Your generator is at risk, and the stream that you get water from. Craigslist usually has some large 275 gallon drums for a few dollars. The ones used for syrup and are caged with metal are great!

During your E&E the roads might not be usable. Might wanna consider having an old dirt bike and extra gas tied-down in back of the truck.

Geieger counters / Radiation Detectors can be had pretty cheap on EBay. Check it out. If you can find one with the remote probe--buy it. They are going real fast these days.

Taking the time to load-up the pickup truck when NYC is hit: Cold War strategies suggested that the USA would be hit with over 300 nukes during the first salvo. China has increased their missle capability by almost 24% in the last few years.

I really am impressed with your preperations. There is no doubt that you are far ahead of others in your area. The fact that you are on that side of the mountain might cause some problesm with fallout from the big mormon city 500 miles away---but I think you will be alright.

Good Frikken Job Dude!
Franke Schein - Admin
Franke Schein - Admin

Posts : 63
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Join date : 2012-01-03
Age : 66
Location : Anchorage, Alaska

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Bugging Out to the BOL - Post your pics if you have them ( Pic Heavy )  Empty Re: Bugging Out to the BOL - Post your pics if you have them ( Pic Heavy )

Post  Old Yankee Wed Jan 18, 2012 8:16 pm

Looks good , It reminds me of my hunting cabin in upstate new york , which would be my BOL if I had to however I'm a bug in guy if it is at all possible. I do have a few questions:

How much food do you have and can you harvest ( hunt, garden, fish ) when or if you run out ?

Looks really cold , do you consider this a good thing or bad ?

Do you have a back up plan in case your BOL is comprimised ?

What do you have for communications ?

How far is your closest neighbor?

Old Yankee
Old Yankee

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Join date : 2012-01-10

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Bugging Out to the BOL - Post your pics if you have them ( Pic Heavy )  Empty Re: Bugging Out to the BOL - Post your pics if you have them ( Pic Heavy )

Post  Mike in the Rockies Thu Jan 19, 2012 3:33 pm

Old Yankee wrote:Looks good , It reminds me of my hunting cabin in upstate new york , which would be my BOL if I had to however I'm a bug in guy if it is at all possible. I do have a few questions:

How much food do you have and can you harvest ( hunt, garden, fish ) when or if you run out ?

Looks really cold , do you consider this a good thing or bad ?

Do you have a back up plan in case your BOL is comprimised ?

What do you have for communications ?

How far is your closest neighbor?


Thanks for the questions OY.
Unlike many on the net I do like to answer questions especially about my bunker, BOL and unique lifestyle.

I will admit that obtaining food is sort of a weak point with my BOL but especially if I am by myself or only one or two others there should be plenty of food.

One reason I chose my BOL location is that it has an abundance of water, wood and wildlife. Many deer, elk, trout and other food all around up there. People come from all over the country to hunt and fish in the county my BOL is in.

And I also have had an 8x12 foot greenhouse a few years back. I had to take it down since the heavy snowpack, up to 12 feet some years, would have crushed the greenhouse.
I plan to build a greenhouse as part of the new partially underground cabin. I also have at least a one year supply of food stored around the BOL. Mainly in two 55 gallon steel drums but also canned food in a couple storage areas.

The two black sealed steel drums have a 50 pound bag of pinto beans, 4 six gallon buckets of wheat, 50 pounds of rice and other food also stored. >

Two drums, one is behind the one shown, I have used these since Sept. 1999 >

Bugging Out to the BOL - Post your pics if you have them ( Pic Heavy )  38-Black55gallonsteeldrumpackedwith

I consider the cold and deep snow a good thing. The deep snow pack, makes it more difficult to get to my land, except for me. I can see the snow depth is about 40 inches right now as seen at this snow survey station which is half a mile up hill from my mtn land > snow survey station

The cold which it gets colder around Labor Day, kills the mosquitoes, biting flies etc. I think cold is healthier than quite a few places such as jungles.
And the colder it is the fewer people. Seems like the most heavily populated states are usually in warm climates. Especially CA, TX and FL
I would also hate to be too far south and too close to the southern US border.

My mtn place can get cold but not nearly as cold as much of Alaska and Canada. It actually has not been as cold as many years past since there was an explosion of pine beetles. I read that it takes a week or more of about 20 below zero weather to kill the beetles. But they have killed most of the lodgpole anyway so they probably have run out of food.

I do have back up plans but probably won't go into detail about them. Mainly I could go to one or two of my cousins / uncles wheat farms, they also have cattle, which are about an hour drive NE of Greeley, CO but that would be as a last resort. I likely would just stay in Greeley if it was not too bad of a SHTF such as blackouts, minor riots etc. Greeley's population is about 90,000 and I live close to the northern city limits, which I bug out north anyway and know All of the back roads.

My main communication on my mtn place is the tracfone which if any don't know is like a cell phone only no monthly payments. I just buy at least 1,000 minutes which lasts from June to Nov.
I also have a couple walkie-talkies and a cb. A neighbor with a cabin has a ham radio and is friendly since I have done quite a bit work for him mainly furnishing all of his firewood.

The closest neighbor is about half a mile down the private dirt road but they are usually not there in the summer. They use it mostly as a hunting cabin, in mid to late Oct. which I have helped them when they have gotten elk. They are at least 75 and own 4 places / estates around the USA.

There are maybe 20 cabins and even a couple camper trailers which people take out by mid Oct. within 3 miles of my land. But most of them are only up there once a month or so. A few maybe every weekend in the summer but I hardly ever see most people. They do keep to themselves and leave me alone unless they want me to do some odd jobs.

There is land for sale right across the road from me but it is steep land and no one has ever built on it. It has been for sale for at least 4 years now. Here is a link to it if any are interested >

Here is a photo site with 2 pages of 30 pics if any wish to see a lot more of my BOL / remote mtn retreat > Mike's place - BOL

Last edited by Mike in the Rockies on Thu Jan 19, 2012 4:26 pm; edited 3 times in total
Mike in the Rockies
Mike in the Rockies

Posts : 17
Points : 4674
Join date : 2012-01-07
Location : Colorado & Wyoming on my BOL in the warmer months

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Bugging Out to the BOL - Post your pics if you have them ( Pic Heavy )  Empty Re: Bugging Out to the BOL - Post your pics if you have them ( Pic Heavy )

Post  Mike in the Rockies Thu Jan 19, 2012 3:35 pm

Franke Schein - Admin wrote:Just some thoughts:

I remember that during my time in the Army; they were thinking that Denver/NORAD would get hit with about 30-Nukes the first hour. The ancillary effects and subsequent fallout could be a problem for you. Might wanna think about building a 5-gallon bucket air cleaner. Your generator is at risk, and the stream that you get water from. Craigslist usually has some large 275 gallon drums for a few dollars. The ones used for syrup and are caged with metal are great!

During your E&E the roads might not be usable. Might wanna consider having an old dirt bike and extra gas tied-down in back of the truck.

Geieger counters / Radiation Detectors can be had pretty cheap on EBay. Check it out. If you can find one with the remote probe--buy it. They are going real fast these days.

Taking the time to load-up the pickup truck when NYC is hit: Cold War strategies suggested that the USA would be hit with over 300 nukes during the first salvo. China has increased their missle capability by almost 24% in the last few years.

I really am impressed with your preperations. There is no doubt that you are far ahead of others in your area. The fact that you are on that side of the mountain might cause some problesm with fallout from the big mormon city 500 miles away---but I think you will be alright.

Good Frikken Job Dude!

Thanks Franke.

And you or anyone else, especially if they are true survivalists are welcome to come up to my retreat. And people don't have to wait for a SHTF but it is a good place to vacation in, hunt, fish, camp, hike and practice survival.

I do plan to put a mtn bicycle in the back of the truck in case of break down or whatever. I do own a dirt bike but it is on the BOL stored away. It is no use in the city.

I do have 7 routes from where I am now - Greeley, Colorado - to my mtn place which is about 200 miles to the NW. And with variations on those routes so that I would not even have to go thru any towns if I took all the back roads. But that would take more gas. I do have 2 gas tanks on the truck but would also take 20 or so gallons which should be enough to make it. With the 460 engine I am lucky to get 10 mpg.

All of that won't matter if / when I finally am able to move permanently to my mtn retreat. But that will take much more preparation such as getting more supplies and being able to pay the no good property taxes. Which are "only" $210 a year but still too much. But if it is a bad SHTF then taxes will surely be the least of worries.

I should buy more gear such as a geiger counter / radiation detector but there are plans in the main book I use - "Nuclear War Survival Skills" to build a radiation detector in the appendices >
Nuclear War Survival Skills book

I think Salt Lake City might be more of a problem with radiation since it is west / SW of my land but SLC and Denver are both at least 250 miles away as the eagle flies.

I have tried to think of all problems and scenarios but welcome more and any comments, constructive criticisms, and questions are welcome
Mike in the Rockies
Mike in the Rockies

Posts : 17
Points : 4674
Join date : 2012-01-07
Location : Colorado & Wyoming on my BOL in the warmer months

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Bugging Out to the BOL - Post your pics if you have them ( Pic Heavy )  Empty Re: Bugging Out to the BOL - Post your pics if you have them ( Pic Heavy )

Post  Old Yankee Thu Jan 19, 2012 7:56 pm

I’m a little too claustrophobic to live in a bunker, but I like your line of thinking, I don’t think any BOL is perfect if it where we would live there full time. My BOL is a hunting cabin in upstate New York (I’ll post some pic’s when I get a chance) .It’s about a 5 hour drive and will be difficult to get to if the main roads are clogged up with people . But it’s a destination if I have to bug out. I am really planning on bugging in, my house is on the ocean and although that dose create some problems, it also solves others.
Old Yankee
Old Yankee

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Join date : 2012-01-10

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Bugging Out to the BOL - Post your pics if you have them ( Pic Heavy )  Empty Re: Bugging Out to the BOL - Post your pics if you have them ( Pic Heavy )

Post  Mike in the Rockies Fri Jan 20, 2012 2:12 am

Old Yankee wrote:I’m a little too claustrophobic to live in a bunker, but I like your line of thinking, I don’t think any BOL is perfect if it where we would live there full time. My BOL is a hunting cabin in upstate New York (I’ll post some pic’s when I get a chance) .It’s about a 5 hour drive and will be difficult to get to if the main roads are clogged up with people . But it’s a destination if I have to bug out. I am really planning on bugging in, my house is on the ocean and although that dose create some problems, it also solves others.

Anyone who has a cabin should make it their BOL which is good to have in case of emergencies and a place to go to If one has to leave their main house / location.
And a bunker is also very good to have. Most could and probably should not even try to live in a bunker. I am hopefully going to have a partially underground cabin built by Oct. 2012. This cabin will have 2 or 3 windows that will look out towards the Snowy Range which is across the valley 20 or so miles east.
From late June to October I sleep in a tent. In early or at least by mid October I do move into the bunker which has a bunk bed I can sleep on. There are also 2 woodstoves inside the bunker which are good to have since it can get to 20 degrees and colder up there in October and much colder in the winter.
I don't feel claustrophobic inside of it since it is at least 20 feet long with ceilings at least 7 feet high and the front room near the front black steel door has a ceiling that is over 8 feet high.
I know that the bunker is not fancy since it is made of natural materials such as logs and rocks but also some salvaged materials such as the steel doors and whatever else I could find. It must be strong since the bunker has survived heavy snow pack since 1996.

I use my bunker mainly as a good, very secure storage area where I keep my most expensive and valuable things, such as a couple chainsaws and guns. I think guns go well with a bunker.

A defensible bunker and an NBC shelter are somewhat different. A storm or fallout shelter must be a buttoned-up, closed-in place that will protect the inhabitants from a hostile environment.

A bunker is designed primarily to defend strategic locations from hostile intruders. Obviously one cannot defend his bunker if he has his head pulled down so far he doesn't know what is going on outside.
I have a couple portholes that I can look and shoot out of which is the main reason I can call my underground shelter a bunker. Hope I won't need to use it as a bunker but it is nice to have Just in case.

Large metal pipe about 5 feet long that I can look through and down on the private road 150 feet down hill >

Bugging Out to the BOL - Post your pics if you have them ( Pic Heavy )  402-Insidebunker4ftlongportholetolo

Brown metal covering over the large metal pipe >

Bugging Out to the BOL - Post your pics if you have them ( Pic Heavy )  IMG008lookingdownintopartunhouse

Inside the bunker getting ready to look out the porthole which has a view of the private dirt road about 150 feet down the mountain >
Bugging Out to the BOL - Post your pics if you have them ( Pic Heavy )  MikesLandJuly2011040
Mike in the Rockies
Mike in the Rockies

Posts : 17
Points : 4674
Join date : 2012-01-07
Location : Colorado & Wyoming on my BOL in the warmer months

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Bugging Out to the BOL - Post your pics if you have them ( Pic Heavy )  Empty Re: Bugging Out to the BOL - Post your pics if you have them ( Pic Heavy )

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