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Survival Perspective: Lonewolf Survivalists At Risk

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Survival Perspective: Lonewolf Survivalists At Risk  Empty Survival Perspective: Lonewolf Survivalists At Risk

Post  Franke Schein - Admin Sat Jan 07, 2012 6:23 pm

Survival Perspective: Lonewolf Survivalists At Risk  Avitar10

Survival planning necessitates having the ability to grasp the actuality of the threats one is facing in the future. Then through careful analysis of these threats; an affirmative response is established which minimizes the exposure to that risk.

Throughout the years that I have been involved in survivalism, it's been rare to see discussions on internet forums regarding the vulnerability of the lone-survivalist who is facing an organized- heavily armed street gang during a survival situation. As a matter of fact; I can probably count those discussions on one hand.

Street gangs are present in every major metropolitan cities in the US. Even small town USA is home to loosely organized-but nationally affiliated gangs whose reputation and stature among Law Enforcement are well know.

From a historical context, it's easy to see that mankind is one of the cruelest creatures on the planet. The propensity towards violence is always elevated during a crisis. Bad times brings bad people from out of the shadows of society. This is an undeniable fact that cannot be minimized or ignored by the survival community.
In terms of defense against these gangs, the only conceivable defense centers around the "small group" scenario. Small groups stand a much better chance against armed assaults by criminal gangs; depending on the number of assailants, tactical proficiency, and leadership within both groups.

The "Lonewolf Survivalist" will find themselves in a serious life and death situation when confronted by street gangs during a SHTF event. Something as innocent as driving down the wrong street could result in sudden and unexpected violence. Again; historically the Los Angeles riots are living proof of that theory.

Along America’s unprotected southern borders, a series of events have occurred in the last two years that should make every survivalist in that region sit-up straight and take a very hard look at their survival planning. With the recent news blast about the Mexican drug cartels pushing their product through the deserts; and the news of ATF’s firearms debacles; has clouded the real issues on America borders of heavily armed gangs working their way north into the heartland of America. Their not coming to get jobs at fast-food franchises, or pick tomatoes in the farm fields; they are coming to establish their own brand of gang warfare—the spoils are “Gringo Dollars”…

Franke Schein - Admin
Franke Schein - Admin

Posts : 63
Points : 4677
Join date : 2012-01-03
Age : 66
Location : Anchorage, Alaska

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