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Survival Perspective: Iran, Islam, and Peak Oil Crisis

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Survival Perspective: Iran, Islam, and Peak Oil Crisis Empty Survival Perspective: Iran, Islam, and Peak Oil Crisis

Post  Franke Schein - Admin Fri Jan 06, 2012 12:00 am

Survival Perspective: Iran, Islam, and Peak Oil Crisis Karina10

Amidst all of the doom and gloom surrounding 2012; there exists a survival scenario of unparalleled magnitude. A scenario that should be part of every family's survival plan.

The Mid-East Situation:

America's interests in the Mid-East has inescapably centered around the need for increased oil production for an oil-hungry world. The United States, China, Russia, and Europe are the world's leading oil-hungry nations. Economic growth in those countries has created an even higher demand for oil based fuels; all of which contribute to the overall decline in world-wide oil production.

Here in Alaska; the oil boom began in 1977. During the next ten years the production levels swelled; and then sharply dropped by 16% in 1988. Each year since then, the production capacity has slowed by an average of 6% per year. Currently only 1/3 of the oil flows through the Alaska Pipeline, as it did in 1977.

What does this have to do with survivalism? In a nutshell; everything!

Nearly every facet of life in America can trace a direct connection to oil. Without oil, the major industries would slowly choke to the death, the strategic defense of America would be limited, and life in America would take a radical spiral downwards.

It's already happening; and most people, and the media; refuse to acknowledge it:

In Alaska the price for a gallon of gasoline has in the past reached upwards of $8.00 to $12.00 per gallon. Remote native villages are the prime targets, due to the enormous distances and costs involved to transport the precious fuels. Food, clothing, and other consumer goods cost nearly six times as much in the backwoods areas of Alaska, as they do in the inhabited cities of Fairbanks and Anchorage.

Using this as a template; it's easy to then comprehend what would happen to oil prices, as well as the global supply-chain distribution network, if Iran makes good on their threat to close down the Strait Of Hormuz.


•US warns Iran over threat to block oil route
•Oil price climbs amid Iranian threat
Forty percent of the world's oil flows through this volatile region. Any disruption of the oil distribution, would send prices rocketing upwards at a colossal rate; thereby creating economic conditions affecting every family in the United States.

•Transportation Disruption
•Decreased Manufacturing Output
•Decreased Consumer Goods Supply Levels
•Decreased Maritime Transportation
•Decreased Air Freight Transportation
•Decreased Agricultural Product Levels
•Decreased Rail Road Transportation

Oil is the nexus of all of these industries. Each industry is vital to life as we know it today. The production of food is the most important industry. If farmers cannot afford to buy fuel, then immediately the demand for vegetables, grains, and meat products will affect the supply-side equation; and thus steep prices are resultant as major food production companies and grocery store chains begin a bidding war which drives prices even higher.

If one takes a very close look at the events occurring in the Mideast today; it should not come as surprise to see that what is really occurring, is a war of attrition against the oil-dependent Western nations.

Iran, Libya, and Syria; as well as Egypt, Jordan, and Lebanon have experienced internal civil uprisings. The world rejoices that another petty dictator has fallen, and America and western countries actively support these uprisings hoping that a western style democracy emerges; but the stark reality is that these former(oil producing) dictatorships are slowly being replaced with Islamic Caliphates. Seeing the "writing on the wall" isn't too difficult. Those nations that produce oil, and have in the past maintained friendly relationships with the West--are being assimilated by the Muslim Brotherhood.

If this trend continues, I am of the personal opinion that the monarchy of Saudi Arabia (King Abdullah) will soon face increased civil uprisings that will be initiated, and promulgated at the hands of Islamists already arising in the Arabian Peninsula at an alarming rate.

Read Full Story: HERE
Franke Schein - Admin
Franke Schein - Admin

Posts : 63
Points : 4826
Join date : 2012-01-03
Age : 66
Location : Anchorage, Alaska

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